Friday, January 7, 2011

What is the Greatest Jewish Song of All Time?

Contemporary Jewish Museum via Flickr
Every year around this time, I love all the "best-of" lists.  Movies, television, video games, gadgets--if you want to know the "10 best" anything of 2010, somewhere in the past month, a list has been published for you.

And then there are lists that are even more ambitious.  Tablet, an online Jewish magazine, recently published a list answering the question, "What Are the 100 Greatest Jewish Songs of All Time?"  It's a very fun list, mixing vaudeville with the High Holidays, Broadway and "Dayeinu."  Before I give you the link, I want you to think:  What would you choose as the greatest Jewish song of all time?  Use any criteria you want.  [I'll wait while you think.]  OK, now you can look at the list.  (The original article, with explanations for the choices, is here.)

Now share!  Leave a comment telling us your pick for the top song.  What do you think of the list?  What would you have done differently?

1 comment:

  1. Great article. Lots of songs I never would have thought of. I don't want to give things away, but I will say that their #2 song was my #1, simple because it's the most recognizable Jewish song I think. I don't think anyone will guess their #1..quite a shocker.
